Сетки шпалерные для огурцов-INTERLOK
Bird nets 2х5/10/20 3х5/10/20 4x5/10/20
Bestseller Bird nets GB NET with fine mesh 2х5/10/20 3х5/10/20 4x5/10/20
Bestseller Bird nets STRONG reinforced 2х5/10/20 3х5/10/20
ХИТ продаж
Сетки шпалерные
Nets for tomatoes 2x4/6/8
EXTRA mega-reinforced meshes 2х5/10/250 3х5/10/250
Growing nets colors 2х5/10/20
1. The first thing that will catch your eye is how quickly and “with what pleasure” the long, tenacious shoots will begin to climb up the cells, striving for warmth and sunshine, freeing up passages and paths between the beds. Significant space savings are one of the main advantages of this method.
2. After the first watering or rain, you will notice how quickly your plants dry out, which significantly reduces the risk of contracting fungal diseases, such as powdery mildew, for example. After all, it is known that this and other similar viruses love damp places that do not dry out for a long time.
3.Being in a suspended state, your plants and their fruits are always clean and neat, and most importantly, evenly ripened. After all, the sun now freely illuminates all the cucumbers as a whole, unlike when they were partially hidden under bushes and leaves, lying in the ground.
4.Your harvest will not have the opportunity to become overripe, because each fruit is in plain sight, which means it will be picked on time.
5.The harvesting process itself will become much more convenient and enjoyable for you. And, as practice shows, the yield increases under such growing conditions, which is another important plus.
These are two columns 1.5–1.8 m high along the edges of the bed. The supports can be metal, wood or durable plastic - this is not so important. The main thing is that they are reliable enough and can fulfill their main task - to hold the entire structure under any conditions (strong wind or accidental mechanical damage).
for fastening at the very top of the structure. It can be made of any sufficiently strong and reliable material. It is worth taking care of the holes for the screws, with the help of which we will secure the rail at the top and connect the supports to each other. If the structure is metal, these can be two welded corners with holes for a screw.
1. First of all, securely and deeply drive (dig in) two supports along the edges of the bed.
2. We carefully string the mesh, previously laid out on the ground, onto a rail that will be on top of the structure. (This process will be similar to stringing curtains onto a curtain rod.)
3.After this, we screw the rail with the mesh on it on both sides to the supports. The result is a U-shaped structure.
4.Next, straighten the mesh down, using spiral movements to tie its edges on both sides to the supports using twine or rope. Make sure that the mesh is sufficiently stretched and holds its shape.
5.You can tie the plants themselves to the cucumber support. To do this, you can use strong nylon thread or twine.
Various special clamps can also be used. With their help, already long tendrils and shoots are pinched simply to the mesh at the height at which the length of the plant allows. Then it will make its own way, clinging tightly and entangling all the cells.
Proper planting and care.
Cucumber seedlings are planted in a row at a distance of 35-40 cm under a trellis or according to a two-line tape pattern in a checkerboard pattern. It is recommended to choose cucumber varieties that produce long vines. When the shoots reach 15 centimeters in length, you need to attach them to the bottom line of the cells.
During the entire development, plants need supervision and garter; not all lashes will crawl up on their own, they need to be guided, only after that they will weave. Caring for cucumber plantings involves following the agrotechnical rules required for this vegetable crop.
The main ones:
1.regular watering of plants with water at room temperature at the root;
2. timely, high-quality fertilizing with complex fertilizers with microelements and ash;
3.prevention of diseases;
4.removal of weeds. When forming a bush, you need to remember the need to timely pinch the main stem for the development of side shoots, on which the main crop is formed.
Bird nets 2х5/10/20 3х5/10/20 4x5/10/20
Bestseller Bird nets GB NET with fine mesh 2х5/10/20 3х5/10/20 4x5/10/20
Bestseller Bird nets STRONG reinforced 2х5/10/20 3х5/10/20
ХИТ продаж
Сетки шпалерные
Nets for tomatoes 2x4/6/8
EXTRA mega-reinforced meshes 2х5/10/250 3х5/10/250
Growing nets colors 2х5/10/20